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Corporate Christmas Gift: FOUND!


For weeks I’ve been trying to locate that “perfect” gift for the corporate staff. You know, the one that says we care but we also didn’t forego your raise by getting you this item…or even better, yes, we thought you would really wear this silly star-shaped pin that affirms we think you’re a STAR. There’s also the diverse variety of personalities on staff, so while wine might work for one another would be offended; sales might enjoy a new luggage bag but the web team would prefer a Think Geek USB hub in the shape of R2D2.

What better idea than one that came to me as I read David Pease’s 100 ways to show appreciation for your staff paper. He was actually talking about creating personalized ornaments but me and crafts are … not happening.

So I, of course, turn to Google and located CORPORATE CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS.COM! I got an instant quote on their half dozen styles of ornament. I’m able to get 50 Christmas ornaments with our company logo and appreciation phrase and our staff can have a clever gift pretty much (hopefully) no one can roll their eyes at. (No pens, no padfolios, no stupid pins, HR people.) I am actually excited about this year’s gift!

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